Operation Ecuador
East Hill is a congregation that believes strongly in supporting the work that goes on in the mission field, both foreign and domestic. In December of 2011, we committed to partnering with Josh and Julie Marcum, full time missionaries serving in Quito, Ecuador. The Marcums began working with Operation Ecuador in February of 2011, after serving 5 years as missionaries in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Josh became the director for the Quito School of Biblical Studies in 2014 and today continues to serve the QSOBS in the capacity of Director of Development for Operation Ecuador. He is the U.S. liaison for the school and teaches part-time with the faculty.
Both Josh and Julie are 2001 graduates of York College and served as former East Hill Youth Interns. They have 3 daughters, Michaela Grace, Eliana Joy, and Jana Faith, and one son, Enoch Kent. The Marcums are overseen and partially supported by the Livonia congregation in Livonia, Michigan.
Operation Ecuador is an umbrella organization that connects several US-supported mission efforts. It began in 1989 in Quito, the capital city of Ecuador with a population over 2 million. Operation Ecuador has grown to include many facets of ministry of which thousands of people have been baptized as a direct result of this outreach. For the last few years, East Hill has sent adult mission teams over the new year break and teen mission groups every other year at the beginning of the summer break.

Operation Ecuador
Operation Ecuador began in 1989 with 5 families including Kent and Sharla Marcum – established new congregation in Quito, the governmental capital.
Started the Academy of the Bible to aid in maturing converts.
1997 – Quito School of Biblical Studies (QSOBS) established:
- To date, 127 men, along with their wives, received diplomas of completion from the 3-year apprenticeship in the QSOBS.
- Graduates scattered on 14 continents preaching gospel in 12 countries.
- Thousands immersed into Christ.
1998 – First annual outreach of medical missions:
- To date, 14 well-organized medical efforts to the poor of Ecuador.
- 2012 plans include 2 medical missions – February & June.
1998 – Established Camp Bellevue:
- Utilized as a daily outreach to rural children.
- Provides a setting for camps and retreats for up to 200 people.
2000 – First church planting by a team of QSOBS graduates:
- To date, 6 teams have been sent out.
2002 – Hacienda of Hope founded adjacent to Camp Bellevue:
- Potential for up to 30 children to be housed.
- Christian school for over 100 students is operational.
2004 – Began internet program called Into the World:
- Presently serving almost 10,000 students with online courses.
- Hispanic Bible courses live by video conferencing.
2009 – Kumanii Christian Center began on the Cayapas River:
- Aid the remote rural areas of Ecuador.
- Primary focus of medical missions with lodging for up to 40 people.
2011 – Joshua and Julie Marcum moved to Quito in February to begin work.
- In December, East Hill commits to supporting Josh and Julie
The following are mission teams that East Hill has sent to Ecuador:
- May 22 – June 2 2012 – 17 teens and 12 adults
- January 3-10 2013 -11 adults
- January 2014 -10 adults
- May 28 – June 6 2014 – 10 teens and 7 adults
- January 2015 – 9 adults
- May 23 – June 2 2016 -13 teens and 9 adults
- January 2017 – 7 adults
- June 18 – June 26 2018 – 17 teens and 4 adults
- May 2019 – 2 adults and 3 kids (Van Gomple Family)